Think when you were still a KID,
Think when you were a kid, everything is POSSIBLE,
You put the blanket over your back, then you became a SUPERMAN,
You take your mom brooms and ride on it, then you became a WITCH,
You climb up the tree, not knowing that you might fell, you simply made it,
You just had an idea and made it happened, because you BELIEVE,
You were than CREATIVE with strong belief.
As you became ADULT, things seem to be a little different,
When you failed in your exam, you think ‘I can never make it’,
When you have a BRILLIANT marriage proposal, then you think ‘maybe it’s not the right time’,
When you want to start a BUSINESS, you think maybe ‘it’s not as easy’,
When you are already in the BUSINESS, you heard someone says ‘Do not take RISK’,
Then when you have a BRILLIANT IDEA that can create more JOBS for poorer nations,
Can provide a better living for more people, Can make our NATION proud, can help the GROWTH of our NATION, and can create a better WORLD.
And you said ‘I am not SURE…’ You are still creative but with more DOUBT,
Then YEARS LATER you heard….. Someone had the same ideas as yours,
What makes him DIFFERENT from you?
His ACTION, He puts his IDEA into REALITY,
He’s the most promising YOUNG ENTERPRENEUR of the year,
Then you started to think, how I wish I had taken ACTION that year ago,
Think when you were a kid, if that idea came by when you were still a kid,
Could you have taken action???
When back then, you strongly BELIEVE..
It’s never too late,
You just need to have an IDEA and make it happen,
You still CAN, if you BELIEVE.
keyakinan daripada Allah..
Aku yakin apa yang aku lakukan, aku yakin dengan jalan yang aku pilih ini. seumur hidup, aku tak pernah rasa yakin seperti ini. dan pastinya keyakinan ini datang daripada Allah.
tapi aku kecewa, kenapa bila aku mahu kongsikan peluang besar yang hebat ini, orang tak nak? kenapa mere telalu skeptikal? kenapa mereka lebih percaya kepada gosip? kenapa mereka taknak tengok dengan mata dan minda mereka sebelum mereka membuat keputusan?
amat rugilah golongan seperti ini.
sekurang-kurangnya, fikirlah secara positif, dengarlah preview, dan nilailah dengan minda!
hari ini dah cukup seminggu aku join, pulangan pn dah dapat.
aku tak boleh nak berpatah balik, segalanya dah terlanjur.. duit modal dh keluar, pulanagn modal pasti akan aku terima.
biarlah ape orang nak kata. yang pasti aku bahagia dan rezeki aku halal!
i am on the right path!
tapi aku kecewa, kenapa bila aku mahu kongsikan peluang besar yang hebat ini, orang tak nak? kenapa mere telalu skeptikal? kenapa mereka lebih percaya kepada gosip? kenapa mereka taknak tengok dengan mata dan minda mereka sebelum mereka membuat keputusan?
amat rugilah golongan seperti ini.
sekurang-kurangnya, fikirlah secara positif, dengarlah preview, dan nilailah dengan minda!
hari ini dah cukup seminggu aku join, pulangan pn dah dapat.
aku tak boleh nak berpatah balik, segalanya dah terlanjur.. duit modal dh keluar, pulanagn modal pasti akan aku terima.
biarlah ape orang nak kata. yang pasti aku bahagia dan rezeki aku halal!
i am on the right path!
I do the best, Allah does the rest!
Bisnes ini mudah, tapi tolong jgn sesekali ambil mudah, ikut sahaja kata leaders, moga insyaAllah anda lebih hebat dari kami.. we do the best, ALLAH do the rest.. Percaya dahulu baru nampak.. Yakin,,. Usaha, insyaAllah ALLAH SWT permudahkan jalan kita.
Yakinlah pada Petunjuk dan pertolongan Allah! You are on the right path!
Yakinlah pada Petunjuk dan pertolongan Allah! You are on the right path!
Kata-kata hikmah
Kata Prof Dr Hamka, "PELUANG yang besar itu datang secara TIBA-TIBA... datang TIDAK MENENTU MASA... datang di saat kita KESEMPITAN atau KESUSAHAN... Jadi, nilailah peluang itu secara BIJAKSANA. Rebutlah peluang yang besar itu, kerana peluang yang besar itu BOLEH BERLALAU dengan tiba-tiba. Jangan jadikan SERIBU ALASAN untuk tidak merebut peluang yang besar itu!!!"
The Advert Flier of Hope
Every day, in each of my prayer, i asked Allah to give me something that can make me successful wealthy, helpful and happy. One day (friday, 30th july, 2010), i went to masjid Putra, Putrajaya to perform Friday prayer. In my prayer, i asked Allah again for this to happen right at the moment.
I asked Allah, "Ya, Allah, kau dah banyak menguji aku, berikan aku kesusahan dan keperitan, walaupun aku dan usaha sedaya upaya. Aku dah tak tahan ya Allah, Kau sahaja yang boleh tolong aku. Ya Allah, Kau berikanlah aku sesuatu yang boleh menjadikan aku seorang yang berjaya, bahagia, kaya dan berguna. berikanlah aku sekarang ya Allah! Tolonglah ya Allah, aku merayu padaMu!"
Then right after the prayer, i drove my car. While i was driving, i just realised that there were many fliers slipped under the wiper. When i stopped at the traffic light, i turned on the wiper so that the fliers could just go off the windscreen. Some of them disappeared, but some still left. As i continued driving back home, i keep turning on the wiper so the rest of the fliers could fly away. They did but only one still left stuck under the wiper, never want to fly off. And it stayed there until i reached home.
I parked the car, walked out of it as my hand grabbed the flier on the windscreen, i browse at it while walking into the house. I was fascinated by what was written on it, the i had a thorough look at it. without hesitated, i just sms'd my name to the mobile phone number written on the flier. It’s actually when everyhthing changes forever, insyaAllah. i do have a strong faith in HIM and His Signs.
Aku ingin menjadi seorang yang Berjaya, kaya, berguna dan bahagia
Aku ingin menjadi seorang yang Berjaya, kaya, berguna dan bahagia. So i have a plan. i wanna earn money in my own way.. Something that i can work in my own style, working and dealing with people that i select myself. I wanna run my own business. Make money, not just money, but a lot of money. I wanna help people, contribute to the society, the nation and religion.
I am planning for it. A plan for success, wealth, contribution and happiness.
I wanna have a great carreer, plenty of money, way too much than enough for me and family, help many people, and finally get married, have some kinds and be happy.
Success is not what we achieve for ourselves, but it is what we can achieve for others. And i am still far from it.
I am planning for it. A plan for success, wealth, contribution and happiness.
I wanna have a great carreer, plenty of money, way too much than enough for me and family, help many people, and finally get married, have some kinds and be happy.
Success is not what we achieve for ourselves, but it is what we can achieve for others. And i am still far from it.
Kenapa hidup aku selalu penuh dengan kesedihan dan tekanan?
Last time aku sedih smpi menagis di didepan semua orang sepanjang perjalanan naik flight dari Adelaide ke kuala lumpur. Dan sekarang aku menangis dalam perjalanan dari penang ke kuala lumpur. Lebih memeritkan lagi kedua-duanya mempunyai sebab yang sama. Aku tak Berjaya menghabiskan pelajaran aku, kerana sebab yang tak dapat dielakkan. Apalagi yang mampu aku buat untuk menghadapi situasi ini selain daripada redha dan air mata. Hanya allah sahaja yang tahu ape perasaan aku ketika ini. Tak mampu diungkapkan dengan kata-kata..
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