
The Advert Flier of Hope

Every day, in each of my prayer, i asked Allah to give me something that can make me successful wealthy, helpful and happy. One day (friday, 30th july, 2010), i went to masjid Putra, Putrajaya to perform Friday prayer. In my prayer, i asked Allah again for this to happen right at the moment.

I asked Allah, "Ya, Allah, kau dah banyak menguji aku, berikan aku kesusahan dan keperitan, walaupun aku dan usaha sedaya upaya. Aku dah tak tahan ya Allah, Kau sahaja yang boleh tolong aku. Ya Allah, Kau berikanlah aku sesuatu yang boleh menjadikan aku seorang yang berjaya, bahagia, kaya dan berguna. berikanlah aku sekarang ya Allah! Tolonglah ya Allah, aku merayu padaMu!"

Then right after the prayer, i drove my car. While i was driving, i just realised that there were many fliers slipped under the wiper. When i stopped at the traffic light, i turned on the wiper so that the fliers could just go off the windscreen. Some of them disappeared, but some still left. As i continued driving back home, i keep turning on the wiper so the rest of the fliers could fly away. They did but only one still left stuck under the wiper, never want to fly off. And it stayed there until i reached home.
I parked the car, walked out of it as my hand grabbed the flier on the windscreen, i browse at it while walking into the house. I was fascinated by what was written on it, the i had a thorough look at it. without hesitated, i just sms'd my name to the mobile phone number written on the flier. It’s actually when everyhthing changes forever, insyaAllah. i do have a strong faith in HIM and His Signs.

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