
Aku ingin menjadi seorang yang Berjaya, kaya, berguna dan bahagia

Aku ingin menjadi seorang yang Berjaya, kaya, berguna dan bahagia. So i have a plan. i wanna earn money in my own way.. Something that i can work in my own style, working and dealing with people that i select myself. I wanna run my own business. Make money, not just money, but a lot of money. I wanna help people, contribute to the society, the nation and religion.

I am planning for it. A plan for success, wealth, contribution and happiness.

I wanna have a great carreer, plenty of money, way too much than enough for me and family, help many people, and finally get married, have some kinds and be happy.
Success is not what we achieve for ourselves, but it is what we can achieve for others. And i am still far from it.

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