
i can't sleep

i cant sleep. every single nite, since the last few months, i have been like this. laying in bed, turned and tossed, trying to get my eyes closed. technically, there are closed, but practically, my mind is still awake. OM gosh! why cant i just shut my mind down.

I need DRUG. to make me sleep. if i dont sleep, my mind keep thinking about the past, about every predicament, every sadness, every pains that i had since the last two years. well, it's more than two years now. the scar was deep, and it's bleeding again. it cant be stopped. it keeps coming out onto my mind and i couldnt resist it.
i need DRUG. it's all i can think of rite now. every time when i failed to get into sleep, all i think is just a DRUG that can make me sleep. seriously.

i need to sleep, i need to find the rigth path in my dream...

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