
From a piece of a broken heart.

This is not the end
This is not the beginning
Just a voice like a riot
Rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone
And the violent rhythm
Though the words sound steady
Something emptys within em

We say yeah

With fists flying up in the air
Like we’re holding onto something that’s invisible there
Cuz we’re living at the mercy of the pain and the fear
Until we dead it forget it
Let it all disappear

Waiting for the end to come
Wishing I had strenght to stand
This is not what I had planned
It’s out of my control

Flying at the speed of light
Thoughts were spinning in my head
So many things were left unsaid
It’s hard to let you go

I know what it takes to move on
I know how it feels to lie
All I wanna do is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven’t got

Sitting in an empty room
Trying to forget the past
This was never meant to last
I wish it wasn’t so

What was left when that fire was gone
I thought it felt right but that right was wrong
All caught up in the eye of the storm
And trying to figure out what it’s like moving on

And I don’t even know what kind of things I said
My mouth kept moving and my mind went dead
Picking up those pieces now where to begin
The hardest part of ending is starting again

All I wanna do is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven’t got

This is not the end
This is not the beginning
Just a voice like a riot
Rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone
And the violent rhythm
Though the words sound steady
Something emptys within em

We say yeah

With fists flying up in the air
Like we’re holding onto something that’s invisible there
Cuz we’re living at the mercy of the pain and the fear
Until we dead it forget it
Let it all disappear

-Linkin Park Waiting For The End-


money is not everything

"Success is finding solutions in challenges that help others; money is secondary"
-David Hauser & Siamak Taghaddos-



you will simply get it when you deserve it

Pastinya Allah tidak akan bagi ape2 yang kita nak klu kita tak layak untuk menikmatinya. Yang penting kita jgn give up, teruskan usaha, bila tiba masanya, insyaAllah kejayaan akan menjadi milik kita.
Usaha, doa, tawakal, lakukanlah yang terbaik!
Succes, wealth and happiness will be mine! i have a strong faith in Allah!




usaha penentu pencapaian

Kita selalunya tak dapat apa yang kita nak, sebab kita hanya dapat apa yang kita usahakan.


everything is always new..

Everyday is a new day for me. Having a new life, new experiences, new hope. Doing new things. Meeting new people, new friends. It is so much fun. Thank you Allah!


dont just think, just do!

"We become not what we think, but what we do"


ketepikan ego, rendahkan diri, tinggikan martabat dan toleransi

kalau dulu,

"aku betul ke, aku salah ke, aku tetap betul".

tapi kini aku harus memperbaiki sikap, mengenepikan keegoan dan merendahkan diri demi menjaga keharmonian dan toleranse antara aku, dengan kawan-kawan, ahli keluarga, mahupun rakan-rakan niaga, aku harus berubah!

"aku betul ke, aku salah ke, aku tetap salah"


Harga Sebuah Kegagalan

BELAJARLAH untuk MENGHARGAI setiap KEGAGALAN dan KEPERITAN kerana itulah yang akan MENGAJAR kita untuk MENGHARGAI setiap PELUANG dan KESENANGAN yang ada disekeliling


dare to fail!

Belajarlah untuk gagal kerana kegagalan itulah yang mengajar kita untuk berjaya


Allah berikan aku satu, tapi dengan satu itulah Allah makbulkan semuanya

Semalam, 29 Ramadhan. Ibadah terawikh aku yang terakhir pada tahun ini. Aku melangkah masuk ke masjid Putra dengan perasaan yang bercampur baur. Terharu, bersyukur, sedih, hiba, dan macam-macam lagilah, memang tak mampu diungkap dengan kata-kata. Aku sempat juga mengalirkan air mata (sikit je..). apatah lagi bila bacaan-bacaan ayat suci solat isya terlaung di udara.
Aku teringat kembali peristiwa ajaib yang telah terjadi di atus aturan Allah kira-kira sebulan yang sudah. Peristiwa ketika solat jumaat. Aku berdoa padaNya. Macam-macam yang aku minta. Memang semuanya ikhlas, lahir dari lubuk hati, memang aku sungguh-sungguh inginkan apa yang aku lafazkan di hadapan Allah (mana taknya, sepanjang 2 tahun sudah, aku telah melalui berbagai peristiwa yang memeritkan). Di lantai masjid indah ini lah aku bersujud, di rumah Allah yang suci inilah aku teresak-esak meminta, dan disini juga lah Allah berikan segala-galanya. Perasaan syukur yang teramat besar, rasa terharu yang menusuk hati, hanya Allah juga lah yang tahu.
Aku berdoa, meminta padanya seribu satu benda. Tetapi Allah hanya memberikan aku satu benda sahaja! Tetapi dengan satu benda itulah Allah makbulkan semua doa aku. Semua yang aku minta! MasyaAllah, Engkau sungguh Maha Hebat, kau menciptakan sesuatu yang hebat, dan Kau anugerahi hambamu ini dengan ciptaanmu yang hebat.
Allah hanya berikan aku satu, iaitu ‘Score A’. Tetapi melalui ‘Score A’ lah aku dapat segala-galanya yang aku harapkan daripadaNya. Hebat sungguh percaturan Allah ini.

Dalam doa,

1. Aku mahukan satu karier yang stabil.
2. Aku mahukan kerja yang boleh mengisi masa yang terluang dan sesuatu yang berfaedah supaya dapat membuang segala tabiat yang negatif.
3. Aku mencari seorang wanita untuk membimbing aku, membawa aku kembali ke jalan yang lurus, yang boleh membantu aku melupakan kisah hitam di waktu silam.
4. Aku mahu jadi seorang yang sangat berjaya.
5. Aku mahu kebahagiaan.
6. Aku mahukan kekayaan.
7. Aku mahu jadi seorang yang berguna kepada diri sendiri, ibu bapa, keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa, negara dan Agama.
8. Aku mahu berbakti, menolong orang-orang yang susah.
9. Aku merancang untuk membuka pusat tuisyen, aku perlukan modul pembelajaran mengikut sukatan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, modal perniagaan, dan rakan kongsi.

Allah telah menunjukkan aku Jalan untuk mencapai semuanya. Alhamdulillah….

I have a strong faith that finally Allah shows me the direction to the right path…


Sentiasa bersangka baik denganNya...

pesanana ikhlas daripada Dr Rashidah..

"Kalau Allah cepat makbul doa kita, Dia sayang kita. Kalau Allah lambat makbul doa kita, Dia sedang uji kita. Dan kalau Allah tidak makbulkan doa kita, Dia sedang merancang yang terbaik untuk kita. Oleh itu, sentiasa bersangka baik dengan Allah kerana kasih sayangNya mendahului kemurkaanNya".



Think when you were still a KID,
Think when you were a kid, everything is POSSIBLE,
You put the blanket over your back, then you became a SUPERMAN,
You take your mom brooms and ride on it, then you became a WITCH,
You climb up the tree, not knowing that you might fell, you simply made it,
You just had an idea and made it happened, because you BELIEVE,
You were than CREATIVE with strong belief.

As you became ADULT, things seem to be a little different,
When you failed in your exam, you think ‘I can never make it’,
When you have a BRILLIANT marriage proposal, then you think ‘maybe it’s not the right time’,
When you want to start a BUSINESS, you think maybe ‘it’s not as easy’,
When you are already in the BUSINESS, you heard someone says ‘Do not take RISK’,
Then when you have a BRILLIANT IDEA that can create more JOBS for poorer nations,
Can provide a better living for more people, Can make our NATION proud, can help the GROWTH of our NATION, and can create a better WORLD.
And you said ‘I am not SURE…’ You are still creative but with more DOUBT,

Then YEARS LATER you heard….. Someone had the same ideas as yours,
What makes him DIFFERENT from you?
His ACTION, He puts his IDEA into REALITY,
He’s the most promising YOUNG ENTERPRENEUR of the year,
Then you started to think, how I wish I had taken ACTION that year ago,
Think when you were a kid, if that idea came by when you were still a kid,
Could you have taken action???
When back then, you strongly BELIEVE..

It’s never too late,
You just need to have an IDEA and make it happen,
You still CAN, if you BELIEVE.



keyakinan daripada Allah..

Aku yakin apa yang aku lakukan, aku yakin dengan jalan yang aku pilih ini. seumur hidup, aku tak pernah rasa yakin seperti ini. dan pastinya keyakinan ini datang daripada Allah.
tapi aku kecewa, kenapa bila aku mahu kongsikan peluang besar yang hebat ini, orang tak nak? kenapa mere telalu skeptikal? kenapa mereka lebih percaya kepada gosip? kenapa mereka taknak tengok dengan mata dan minda mereka sebelum mereka membuat keputusan?
amat rugilah golongan seperti ini.
sekurang-kurangnya, fikirlah secara positif, dengarlah preview, dan nilailah dengan minda!
hari ini dah cukup seminggu aku join, pulangan pn dah dapat.
aku tak boleh nak berpatah balik, segalanya dah terlanjur.. duit modal dh keluar, pulanagn modal pasti akan aku terima.
biarlah ape orang nak kata. yang pasti aku bahagia dan rezeki aku halal!

i am on the right path!


I do the best, Allah does the rest!

Bisnes ini mudah, tapi tolong jgn sesekali ambil mudah, ikut sahaja kata leaders, moga insyaAllah anda lebih hebat dari kami.. we do the best, ALLAH do the rest.. Percaya dahulu baru nampak.. Yakin,,. Usaha, insyaAllah ALLAH SWT permudahkan jalan kita.

Yakinlah pada Petunjuk dan pertolongan Allah! You are on the right path!


Kata-kata hikmah

Kata Prof Dr Hamka, "PELUANG yang besar itu datang secara TIBA-TIBA... datang TIDAK MENENTU MASA... datang di saat kita KESEMPITAN atau KESUSAHAN... Jadi, nilailah peluang itu secara BIJAKSANA. Rebutlah peluang yang besar itu, kerana peluang yang besar itu BOLEH BERLALAU dengan tiba-tiba. Jangan jadikan SERIBU ALASAN untuk tidak merebut peluang yang besar itu!!!"

The Advert Flier of Hope

Every day, in each of my prayer, i asked Allah to give me something that can make me successful wealthy, helpful and happy. One day (friday, 30th july, 2010), i went to masjid Putra, Putrajaya to perform Friday prayer. In my prayer, i asked Allah again for this to happen right at the moment.

I asked Allah, "Ya, Allah, kau dah banyak menguji aku, berikan aku kesusahan dan keperitan, walaupun aku dan usaha sedaya upaya. Aku dah tak tahan ya Allah, Kau sahaja yang boleh tolong aku. Ya Allah, Kau berikanlah aku sesuatu yang boleh menjadikan aku seorang yang berjaya, bahagia, kaya dan berguna. berikanlah aku sekarang ya Allah! Tolonglah ya Allah, aku merayu padaMu!"

Then right after the prayer, i drove my car. While i was driving, i just realised that there were many fliers slipped under the wiper. When i stopped at the traffic light, i turned on the wiper so that the fliers could just go off the windscreen. Some of them disappeared, but some still left. As i continued driving back home, i keep turning on the wiper so the rest of the fliers could fly away. They did but only one still left stuck under the wiper, never want to fly off. And it stayed there until i reached home.
I parked the car, walked out of it as my hand grabbed the flier on the windscreen, i browse at it while walking into the house. I was fascinated by what was written on it, the i had a thorough look at it. without hesitated, i just sms'd my name to the mobile phone number written on the flier. It’s actually when everyhthing changes forever, insyaAllah. i do have a strong faith in HIM and His Signs.


Aku ingin menjadi seorang yang Berjaya, kaya, berguna dan bahagia

Aku ingin menjadi seorang yang Berjaya, kaya, berguna dan bahagia. So i have a plan. i wanna earn money in my own way.. Something that i can work in my own style, working and dealing with people that i select myself. I wanna run my own business. Make money, not just money, but a lot of money. I wanna help people, contribute to the society, the nation and religion.

I am planning for it. A plan for success, wealth, contribution and happiness.

I wanna have a great carreer, plenty of money, way too much than enough for me and family, help many people, and finally get married, have some kinds and be happy.
Success is not what we achieve for ourselves, but it is what we can achieve for others. And i am still far from it.

Kenapa hidup aku selalu penuh dengan kesedihan dan tekanan?

Last time aku sedih smpi menagis di didepan semua orang sepanjang perjalanan naik flight dari Adelaide ke kuala lumpur. Dan sekarang aku menangis dalam perjalanan dari penang ke kuala lumpur. Lebih memeritkan lagi kedua-duanya mempunyai sebab yang sama. Aku tak Berjaya menghabiskan pelajaran aku, kerana sebab yang tak dapat dielakkan. Apalagi yang mampu aku buat untuk menghadapi situasi ini selain daripada redha dan air mata. Hanya allah sahaja yang tahu ape perasaan aku ketika ini. Tak mampu diungkapkan dengan kata-kata..


being totally free..

i am extremely upset today, too bloody sad until i cant cry. i could barely speak, only two to three words throughout the day.
From today onwards, i am totally free. free from being haunted and infected by a virus. i hope i'll stay free until forever, until i die. i know i am so weak and very vulnerable to be infected again, but i have a super strong faith that Allah will protect me.
Ya Allah, please guide me to the right path. Amin.


He had reminded me..

I am facing a lot of things in my life, i am having through series of misery and difficulties. I just can’t take this anymore. I have been trying to get myself out of this slum and to improve my terrible life. I don’t want to be here anymore. But i know this will be the same until forever.. Every day, in my prayer or whenever i feel so sad and tired of life. Sad, upset, regret, anxiety, every single day. i asked god to keep the pain away from me. I have been asking in prayer that i could have just died so that i don’t have to face these troubles anymore. Day by day, more and more problems arise; i just couldn’t take these anymore. There’s no way out. I wanted to die. if he doesn’t help me, if there’s no miracle, i rather die!

Until that day, the day when the accident happen. I had just buckled up my seatbelt, my car hit the car in front, driven by my brother. All i did was just watching the crash happened while my hand was still grabbing the belt, thinking that my head could have broken the windscreen off if the seat belt wasn’t buckle up. I was speechless, blurred, still couldn’t believe what had just happened. Still couldn’t believe that god has just reminded me not to pray for death anymore.

Well, asking Him for death is definitely not a choice of heading to the right path..


make mistakes and take the lesson

This is not the time to make the right choice. But instead this is the right time to make mistake. Take the wrong train, get trapped somewhere, fall in love, make as many mistakes as you possibly could. Then when the right time comes, you know exactly what to decide.
So, dont be afraid to make mistakes, learn the lesson, and get onto the right path!


new life..

I would like to change who i was. i want to create a life as someone new.
Someone without the past and without the pain.
Someone alive.
But it’s not possible.
The bad things stay with you, they follow you. You can’t escape them, as much as you want to. All you can do is be ready for the good. So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it, i need it.

i need the right path..


Am i doing the right thing?

29/06/2010, 11.15 am

I am still thinking. Am I doing the right thing?
Yesterday I registered for the next semester of my master degree.
Then, I moved out of the hostel.
I left the person forever.
I migrated to putrajaya.
Do I really have to do all these? I have been asking Allah for help and guidance. Then, this is what my heart says.
I knew, I strongly believe, saying goodbye to that person for good is the best thing to do.
But I am still not sure about leaving USM and coming here. Is it for the best?

i do really hope that i am on the right path.

He shows me the sign

29/06/2010. 11 am.

I have Allah, I have been asking him for Signs since the last few weeks, and He gave me right away. He shows me the bad things you have been doing behind my back, 2 days in a row, for 2 different bad deeds that you did. You betrayed me, you talked bad things about me to others, you slept with someone else. You are a big liar, you are a cheater.
Allah show me all these, so that I could hate you, and leave you. Once I have decided, it’s forever. Good bye!

Bye bye, i am going to the right path.


Here's the end...

I cant see your face anymore, All i see is just A LIE!

i am not who i really was..

i knew who i was, but i dont know who i am. it was not this person, because it was so much better than this person. don't be this person. this person is not going to the right path..


the old scar is bleeding again

This is not the first time. At the same time, around the same seasons of different years, the same things happened.

Again, it’s happening one more time, after exactly 2 years.
How am i gonna go through all these for the second time?
The old scar, it was really deep, it’s bleeding again now, non stop.
The first time it almost ruined my life, nearly took my dream away from me, and destroyed my future.

And this time, what? Kill me? Destroy my career? Make me give up with my studies?
How am i gonna tell to the world that it’s not my fault. When the same SHIT happen to u twice, how are you gonna make people convinced that it’s not your mistakes?
How am i gonna tell to my old friends or even to my family for the second time that “it’s someone else’s mistake that got me involved in this problems.”
No one is gonna believe you. And even if they do, what can it do to make things rite?
Well, knowing and letting people know whose faults it was does not do any good. Blaming is not gonna solve anything...

What else i can do? I just have to face it. Just suck it all up and spit it all out!
Apparently, the pain that has been buried inside my mind and heart since the last 2 years has eventually come rushing to the surface. And now, would it make me just give up with my studies?

Well, i realise that i am still too far from making my dream come true. Although i never understand why the path is so difficult and always tricky, but I still do believe, i strongly believe one day, the day will come. I’ll do my best to find the right path in the hunt of achieving my dream. No matter how, what and when!

No matter how, what, and when, the right path should be found!


i can't sleep

i cant sleep. every single nite, since the last few months, i have been like this. laying in bed, turned and tossed, trying to get my eyes closed. technically, there are closed, but practically, my mind is still awake. OM gosh! why cant i just shut my mind down.

I need DRUG. to make me sleep. if i dont sleep, my mind keep thinking about the past, about every predicament, every sadness, every pains that i had since the last two years. well, it's more than two years now. the scar was deep, and it's bleeding again. it cant be stopped. it keeps coming out onto my mind and i couldnt resist it.
i need DRUG. it's all i can think of rite now. every time when i failed to get into sleep, all i think is just a DRUG that can make me sleep. seriously.

i need to sleep, i need to find the rigth path in my dream...


one of the memorable moments in my life..

this photo was taken on the 29th of may 2008.
it was a nite before cha's birthday. we celebrated her birthday a few hours earlier at mekong restaurant, hindley st, adelaide.
it was 3 days before i went back home to malysia for good.
it,s such an emotional event for me and them..
i miss u a lot, like crazy. i miss these moment.

i remember of saying this.. 2 years ago..

it was 2 years ago.. this was wht i said. i still remember, very clearly, still fresh in my mind, i was aware of what i wrote. it's at night, just before i went to bed, at my godparent's house, in broadview, SA.
i wrote this while crying, i knew every single word.

"It hurts, it really hurts, a lot.. It happened exactly a week ago, but I feel like it has just happened last night. It is the most terrible night ever in my life. I never expect someone that I really trust at that time made statement like that. He was the one who picked me up, put me in that project, fed me with knowledge, skills, experiences that I have been dreaming for, he grabbed me to right front of the ABC’s lenses which put me on the TV, but eventually, he was the one who convinced me to leave. It really broke my heart to much when I heard from the educational manager that he has told that I have ‘officially’ withdrawn. I felt like I lost everything. I felt like I am in the middle of nowhere. Too bloody upset until there’s no more tears from my eyes. Although a man shouldn’t cry, but tears really made me felt a lot better.

Many thanks to god for giving me the strength. Even though my biological parents who I have been depending for are thousands of miles away, but He gave me with other parents who looked after me. I know I am too old to be too dependent. But I don’t think there’s anyone else could be normal during such a bloody awful moment. I really appreciate their support and everything.

Today, despite of words or advices and hopes from people around me, I have made a clear decision not to continue. I know it upset everybody and hurts me a lot, but that’s my decision. It took me such a long time to come up with a decision, but when the decision has been made, there’s no way for me to change it back. I hope they understand and support me coz I need their support and trust, to keep my life going…

Until now, I cannot forget the terrible thing that has happened, not only a thing, but several things. They always and always appear in my mind from every single angle of my head. Owh, please Allah there are a lot more things I have to face and go through ahead. I have no idea what will come next, no, not at all.

I know, in people eyes, I am too weak, too easy to surrender. But I guess, I look for something else which I hope could keep my soul and hopes alive. I know my decision could be bad, and I may be regretting one day. But, at least I could trust myself and believe in what I do. Even though I have quitted, it does not mean I gave up, but I am trying to look for an alternative way to achieve my dream coz it’s not a quick-picked dream, but it’s a dream that I have been keeping in my heart and mind since I was 7.

The last four months were not meant for nothing. Although it ended up in an expected way, but I strongly believe that except the dollars and time, there’s nothing else that has been wasted. Now, I am able to see every single element of our lives: God, people, love, happiness, friendship, trustworthy, work, study, efforts, confidence, leisure and everything else from a different perspective. Even though my one-year-learning session was incomplete, but I believe there’s something else in which I have had the chance both to learn and to experience. Next, I am going apply those lessons into the real life-practical"

-around 10 pm, adelaide time, 6th may, 2008 (as published in my friednster blog)-

until now, i dont know what do all these mean to me.
i am blurred, cant thnk of any single thing..

where is the right path?!

history repeats itself..

Every single day, I kept thinking of the past, and every single night, my past kept appearing in my sleep. Sometimes it’s like a nightmare that makes me scared and upset, but sometimes it’s like a dream that makes me happy and could give me some hopes and confidence that one day I’ll get my beautiful life back.

I don’t know why recently I always have some sort of sad dreams, it’s happening every night, at least almost. What a shame to tell to the whole world that I am running out of tears. Well, it’s almost 2 years now. Sometimes I feel like sharing with everyone about my predicament, sadness, pain, and the feeling of regret. I know, I had already known, I already spoke to myself, I even wrote in my diary, and mentioned in my blog exactly 2 years ago that I might have regretted of making ‘that’ decision, but at least I have strong confidence of what I have decided.

Although sometimes I think the reason I said that was just to make myself happy, but sometimes I realized that I was actually lying to myself. I knew ‘that’ decision would make my life a lot more worst that what it already was before, and believe me, it was really happening and I don’t know why. And I don’t know why Allah chooses me. But I do always believe that He will never test any of his slaves something that is outside the boundaries of his/her capability. But why do I always think and feel that I can’t go through all these?

I thought the decision of coming back to Malaysia could solve all the problems, but it was actually the beginning of everything, every problem, every pain, every sadness. My life was turning upside down ever since. Well, I could not list down everything here..sudahlah jatuh ditimpa tangga, dihempap pula tiang yang tumbang ditimbusi pula oleh dinding yang runtuh. Well, it’s destiny. For something that I never plan, or something that is too far from my expectations and predicament, I consider that as takdir, sudah mejadi Qada’ dan qadar. Sememangnya jauh dari kuasa dan kemampuan aku untuk mengawalnya..

The dreams that I had every night, especially when I was half dead (the moment when I was about to sleep, but my mind was actually awake) keeps telling me that I should not regret for quitting that particular project, but I should be regretting of quitting my studies and coming back to Malaysia.

But when I was awake every morning, when I am having the life that I am currently in right now, I suddenly think that what a lucky person I am to have the chance to meet with those people around me. If I didn’t come back to Malaysia, I wouldn’t have the chance to have these wonderful friends who understand me and keep supporting me both physically and spiritually. Even though a couple of them turned to be what I never expected as a friend, become the most annoying person I have ever met in my entire life. But at least I could get the chance to experience being with this type of person, that actually reminds me and helps me how to be aware of manusia yang menjengkelkan, yang suka memburuk-burukan orang lain, bercakap sesuatu untuk mengaibkan orang lain, yang tindakannya seperti Khimar (seperti yang digambarkan dalam Al-quran) ataupun umpama anjing-anjing yang menyalak di jalanan.

But the past, together with the pain, they never want to go. They are kept inside my mind, locked in a well built biological box, the so-called brain. Regardless of everything I did to let ‘em go and forget them, they just stay there since the last 2 years, and never seem to be disappearing. But instead, they conquer my entire mind now even harder, controlling everything, every single microseconds.

Well, it’s has been 2 years since I made that ‘stupid’ decision, and while the feeling of regret keeps blaming on my stupidity for that stupid decision, I do believe one day, this is all worth it. Everything is gonna pay off. Remember, there’s light at the end of every tunnel. InsyaAllah.

It’s just the matter of what, how and when.

Whatever happens, life must go on.

May Allah guides me, keep the fire inside me, and show me the way To The Right Path and not to mention, please forgive me for the wrongdoings that I have done.

i need to see the right path..


i can't find the right path..

kadang-kadang (selalunya) aku rasa hidup ini tak adil. kenapa Allah nk uji aku dengan dugaan seperti ni? macam-macam kesusahan, kesulitan, dan malu yang harus aku tanggung dengan ujian ni. aku tak mampu nak lari daripad ujian ini, aku tiada pilihan melainkan hanya dengan menguatkan semangat untuk melalui dugaanNya yang sangat susah ni. tiada siapa pun yang boleh tolong aku. no one! except HIM.
tapi aku dh mintk tlg pada Dia beratus-ratus kali, bertahun2, tak juga aku dapat selesaikan semua ni. aku tak tau ape yang perlu aku buat. orang kate 'there will always be solutions for every problem'. but this problem, never has any solution.

wait.. perhaps there is one solution, cuma aku je yang tak menjumpainya lagi...
Ya Allah, please show me the right path...
i want to go to the right path...
but i dont know the right path...
because i never found the right path....

well, am i going to the right path.....